
Showing posts from August, 2017

Copy in Advertising and how it Relates to Writing.

In advertising agencies there are creative geniuses sitting behind desks called copywriters. Copywriters are responsible for the copy of an advertisement or in others words, the words or script of an advertisement. In essence, the words or print that you might see in any given ad in a magazine; for example, that’s done by copywriters who are given the responsibility of writing creatively so that they may reach target audiences in order to help businesses market their products or services to whomever their target market is. Copy and writing are one in the same. In fact, copy is a form of writing. This form of writing usually requires a lot of creativity as the ad agent must take into account a lot of different variables before providing the copy. For instance, copywriters must remember who their target market is, much like an author posting on his blog. In addition, they have to do research on not only the target market, but also the product for which they’re trying to advertise.