
Showing posts from September, 2017

Blog 2 Interviewee

Blog 2 interviewee

Blog 2 Interviewee

Analyzing Famous Coke Commercial

Here is a link to the text I’ll be talking about in this blog post: The link above is of a very famous commercial shot in the 70’s titled “Hilltop” or “I’d like to buy the world a Coke.” One of the things I like about this commercial is the way in which it accounts for the audience and makes an attempt to appeal to them. During the time in which the commercial was shot, there was a lot of unrest occurring as the U.S. was tired of fighting the war in Vietnam, and people wanted to bring the army back home. This commercial is essentially a call to action to bring about peace. It’s meant to call the world together to celebrate peace and share that peace while drinking a coke. What I really love about this commercial is how it creates a call to action for peace which appeals to the vast majority of America at that time while at the same time marketing a product. A lot of times trying to appeal to an audience while creating a call to actio

What is Writing?

After interviewing three different people I got to hear different thoughts and takes on what writing really is, and how people think and feel about writing. After interviewing everyone, two people saw writing plain and simple as something you just have to do. They mainly viewed writing as papers and essays that you do for school. The last person, however, had a much different take. She viewed writing as a means of expression, something that can be enjoyable and that can put thoughts down on to paper. For me personally, as someone who wants to go into advertising, I relate most to the last person in relation to what writing is to me. I view writing as a way to express myself and be creative, to explore the unexplored. Everyone I interviewed seemed to have different ideas of where their writing takes place; however, they all had one thing in common. The surrounding area had to be silent for all of them. This is something I can concur with. It’s hard enough to write when you