
Showing posts from October, 2017

Blog 8

For this project, I took a commercial by Direct TV featuring Charlie Day and the NFL and I remediated it into a series of Facebook posts advertising jerseys for various NFL sports teams. Here’s a link to the page: I reviewed the commercial in search of different ways to remediate it, and I came up with the idea of advertising the jerseys of the teams featured in the commercial rather than advertising Direct TV. Writing is the act of putting ideas down on paper or some other technology, and composing is the act of creating something more artistic or putting something together. Composing could be writing a book or it could be writing a song or creating a sculpture or something. This project would be an example of composing since I’m remediating an assemblage, and creating something new that expresses a different idea from the original assemblage. This remediation represents an effective example of communication due to the

Blog 7

The first assemblage I would like to present is an ad campaign by Veet promoting avoiding “dudeness.” This campaign is an example of bare repetition and was fairly controversial for Veet, as it was seen as stereotypical and sexist. It was basically body shaming women who have hairy legs, and sticking with stereotypes of what the typical woman should be which is hairless. Needless to say it received some backlash for this idea. Here’s the link: The second assemblage which can be considered ethical is an ad by apple. This ad features “The Rock” and it’s basically an assemblage or montage of all these different clips of “The Rock” doing all these different activities all in a day. Here’s the link: So the first assemblage contributes different things to its audience because it’s a series of different commercial ads showing different ways in which women display “dudeness”, but the me

Blog 6

Within the advertising community there’s tons of different remixes and assemblages. One might find remixes of well-known songs in an ad. An example of this happens in a gum commercial by Extra. They take Elvis’s “Can’t Help Falling in Love,” give it a woman’s voice, and create a commercial that makes one wish that was their man and maybe brings a couple tears to one’s eyes. Here’s the link: An example of an assemblage in advertising would be Charlie Day’s NFL commercial for DirectTV. It combines multiple teams’ jerseys and places them in different locations in a commercial that’s guaranteed to make one laugh. Here’s the link: Copyright plays a huge role in advertising. Advertising is a very creative field, so as one can imagine, people in advertising probably wouldn’t be very appreciative of people stealing their ideas. That said, if a company wants to use a certain song within th