Blog 8

For this project, I took a commercial by Direct TV featuring Charlie Day and the NFL and I remediated it into a series of Facebook posts advertising jerseys for various NFL sports teams.

I reviewed the commercial in search of different ways to remediate it, and I came up with the idea of advertising the jerseys of the teams featured in the commercial rather than advertising Direct TV.

Writing is the act of putting ideas down on paper or some other technology, and composing is the act of creating something more artistic or putting something together. Composing could be writing a book or it could be writing a song or creating a sculpture or something. This project would be an example of composing since I’m remediating an assemblage, and creating something new that expresses a different idea from the original assemblage.

This remediation represents an effective example of communication due to the fact that it’s on Facebook. So it’s essentially trying to communicate directly with the audience or in this case potential consumers of the jerseys. The design is simple. It’s just a series of posts on Facebook. Each post has a quote from the original assemblage followed by a picture of the jersey that goes with that specific quote. In addition, there’s a link to where consumers can go and buy the jerseys for the team of their choosing.

This composition relates to audience as it’s geared to a specific group of people, and if one hasn’t seen the commercial then it’s likely they wouldn’t understand the posts. It relates to assemblage as it is a series of posts that come together on one page to create meaning, that meaning being to advertise a product. Then lastly, this composition relates to circulation, as this compilation of posts is on Facebook, so it could easily circulate and connect with multiple different audiences.

From this remediation we can learn that reusing someone else’s ideas isn’t necessarily unethical, so long as they are used in specific contexts or ways. For instance, it’s ethical to reuse someone else’s idea so long as you find a way to create new meaning and the texts aren’t identical. We can also learn that the design of your remediation can very much determine how your audience will react to it, and how they’ll interpret new meaning from your text. 


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