Blog 9

For me, I typically define writing as the act of putting pen to paper. It’s getting ideas, whatever they may be from point A to point B. Editing, however, is much different in that in that it’s taking something that’s already been written and it’s making adjustments as they are needed. Sometimes editing may involve cutting things out of a draft other times, it may involve making additions to better clarify something. Ultimately, the point of editing is to take a draft from any given point in time and make it better than it was before. Lastly, composing to me, is the act of creating something. It’s more than just taking an idea and writing it down. It’s actually taking that idea and making it a reality. Composing is typically creative, and when something is composed it should be made original, as when something is created, typically that means it’s something new or something that hasn’t been done before. Otherwise it’s just a stolen idea.

Three key terms of my own that I think help define writing, editing, and composing are: Idea, Process, and Execution/action. First off, all writing, all editing, and all composing, all start off with an idea. Without an idea nothing can really be composed or written. All writing and composing start with a said idea. And if there’s no idea, and no writing, then there’s nothing to edit. Hence idea is the first key term. Process is simply the process with which we create texts. Maybe we have to listen to music or get completely alone, but for the most part all of us have some sort of process when we write anything. Lastly, we need execution or action. Once you have an idea and a process, then it’s up to you to action complete said process and achieve or create whatever t is you aim to achieve or create.

I don’t really thing project 2 has shaped my definitions of writing, editing, or composing, my definitions of those three terms hasn’t really changed much if at all since project 2.

I think my experiences outside the course have helped shape my definitions as I have been asked to write outside of this class and it helps present new ideas of what writing is and what could be et cetera.


  1. I wonder if we can imagine you terms existing in a cycle with the work network functioning as a beginning and ending term because our ideas always come from somewhere (a network) and they always go back to redefine and add to that network?


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