
Blog 10

I thought a lot of people did pretty interesting stuff. For instance, there was the skate world campaign. I thought the creation of a snapchat filter was really cool. I wouldn’t have imagined that creating something with technology would have been easy. But the way they presented it, it sounded like it was something just about anyone could’ve done. It was also cool the way they looked at the metrics in order to track their circulation. They were able to see how many people used the filter, and how many people saw it. They could also see how many people swiped over it. So I thought that was really fascinating because it’s a great example of what we can do with technology now a days. The snapchat filter didn’t really have any constraints, but I know that some other people had constraints with their circulation and tracking it as the representatives for some of the organizations they represented didn’t want to circulate the texts until a certain date which we as stud...

Blog 9

For me, I typically define writing as the act of putting pen to paper. It’s getting ideas, whatever they may be from point A to point B. Editing, however, is much different in that in that it’s taking something that’s already been written and it’s making adjustments as they are needed. Sometimes editing may involve cutting things out of a draft other times, it may involve making additions to better clarify something. Ultimately, the point of editing is to take a draft from any given point in time and make it better than it was before. Lastly, composing to me, is the act of creating something. It’s more than just taking an idea and writing it down. It’s actually taking that idea and making it a reality. Composing is typically creative, and when something is composed it should be made original, as when something is created, typically that means it’s something new or something that hasn’t been done before. Otherwise it’s just a stolen idea. Three key terms of my own that I think help...

Blog 8

For this project, I took a commercial by Direct TV featuring Charlie Day and the NFL and I remediated it into a series of Facebook posts advertising jerseys for various NFL sports teams. Here’s a link to the page: I reviewed the commercial in search of different ways to remediate it, and I came up with the idea of advertising the jerseys of the teams featured in the commercial rather than advertising Direct TV. Writing is the act of putting ideas down on paper or some other technology, and composing is the act of creating something more artistic or putting something together. Composing could be writing a book or it could be writing a song or creating a sculpture or something. This project would be an example of composing since I’m remediating an assemblage, and creating something new that expresses a different idea from the original assemblage. This remediation represents an effective example of communication due to the...